Meet the Maker - Andrew Lovett


Welcome to uLovett Creations! We are a celebration of passion, craftsmanship, and the love for woodwork. Let us introduce ourselves — I am Andrew Lovett, the founder and sole owner/operator of this endeavor. At uLovett Creations, we specialize in handcrafted wooden creations that reflect the beauty of nature and the artistry of skilled hands.

Beyond the workshop, I am also a happily married father of two wonderful children, Jack and Sophia. My journey in woodworking began as a personal hobby and a way to express my creativity. Over time, my love for the craft blossomed, and I discovered the joy of bringing wood to life, crafting functional pieces of art that resonate with people's hearts.

Beyond the realm of woodwork, I am a full-time teacher for blind students. My passion for education and guiding young minds has been an integral part of my life, shaping my values of patience, dedication, and empathy. Combining the roles of a woodworker and a teacher, I find a unique sense of fulfillment in creating wooden pieces that engage all senses, evoking emotions through touch, sight, and even smell.

Each creation at uLovett Creations is infused with artistry, precision, and the desire to craft unique pieces that stand the test of time. Whether it's a stunning charcuterie board for your family gatherings or a personalized wooden sign that adds character to your home, every project is an opportunity to tell a story.

Our workshop is not just a place for creating wooden masterpieces; it's a space where ideas take shape and dreams come to life. Every piece that leaves our hands carries the essence of dedication and love, and we are committed to creating something truly extraordinary for you.

Thank you for joining us on this journey of creativity, passion, and the sheer joy of woodwork. We look forward to crafting a bespoke wooden creation that speaks to your soul and brings warmth and elegance to your home.

Together, let's celebrate the beauty of wood and the art of craftsmanship at uLovett Creations.